
Occupational Therapist

Jarriah “Jay” completed her university degree in Occupational Therapy at the University of Newcastle in 2022. She conducted her clinical placements within acute stroke, paediatric services within the school setting, acute and community mental health services and hand therapy.

Jay developed her interest in the paediatric field throughout her younger adult years coaching teens in netball, as a support worker in family homes and on camps with children with disabilities.

Jay has applied her skills working as an OT Assistant since her 3rd year of university with children and adolescents with developmental disability and mental health challenges. She is very passionate about building up a child’s confidence to eventually allow them to tackle tricky tasks with a CAN DO attitude. Jay enjoys exploring a child’s strengths and interests and using these to guide sessions so that they are enjoyable and child focused.

Fun fact: Jay grew up spending many hours on the road with her family road tripping throughout regional Australia.. her absolute favourite was Uluru.

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